How to set up partner feature on your website?

1. Who are Partner?

Partner features are a helpful tool for people and groups who want to offer their services on your website. Your users who buy your membership package can move up to the partner level, which provides them with a range of benefits as below:

  1. They can list their services on your website. Partners can tell potential customers about their hotels, restaurants, car rental services, and other travel-related services. This lets them reach out to more people and grow their business.
  2.  They can manage their own profiles on your website. This includes changing the information about their company, adding pictures and descriptions of their services, and responding to reviews from customers. Partners can improve their online presence and build trust with potential customers if they keep their profiles up to date.
  3. They can keep track of their bookings on your website. With this tool, partners can see what reservations they have coming up, see if there are rooms available for future bookings, and manage their occupancy rates. Partners can make better plans for their operations and avoid overbooking if they have access to this information.

Note: The WPAdmin  > Settings > General > New User Default Role must be Subscriber

2. Admin

2.1. Creating a new membership package

To give an example, we offer a membership package specifically for those who provide tour services, rather than all services on your website. This package includes four different options for you to choose from, depending on your needs and budget.

The first option is the Free Package, which costs $0 and allows for up to 3 items to be uploaded. However, a 10% commission fee is charged.

The Basic Package costs $80 and allows for up to 20 items to be uploaded, while still maintaining the 10% commission fee.

The Premium Package costs $100 and allows for up to 60 items to be uploaded, while still maintaining the same commission fee.

The Pro Package costs $180 and allows for up to 100 items to be uploaded, with the same 10% commission fee.

Each package has a different price and upload limit, which can be adjusted on Theme Settings.

  • Go to Theme Setting > Member Packages to add new Package and select service type for each package.
  • Enter the Name and Price of the package
  • Tick any service you want for this package
  • Enter the Time Available for the package
Membership Package Image 1
  • Enter the Commission that you get when someone books their services. The commission is charged between the admin and the partner.  
  • Choose the number of items can upload
  • Choose the number of items can set the featured
  • Write the description of this package
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  • And here is all membership package we’ve created to give you an example
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2.2. Creating a membership package page

  • Go to Page > Add new, then select the corresponding template
There are three templates you need to create.
  • Membership Package: this will show all current package on your site. Choose Member Packages to create this page
  • Membership Checkout page: this is check out page for Membership booking. Choose Member Checkout to build this page.
  • Membership Checkout success: this page will show Booking status after checkout. Choose Member checkout Success
Membership Package Image 4
With a modern layout, you need to choose new page templates.
  • Membership Package NEW
  • Membership Checkout page New
  • Membership Checkout success New
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Editing Membership Package Page

  • Finding Membership Package page to edit with Elementor
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  • Choose the Layout Style of each package
  • Choose the Member Package you’ve just created
  • Provide List Item of each package
Membership Package Image 13

Note: Membership Package Checkout Page use only Modal Checkout Method (setup in Theme Settings > Payment Options)

2.3. Setting up Partner Options

1. Go to Theme Options > Page Options

  • Select the page to display the dashboard for the user. Choose the page “Function: User Settings” 
Partner Options Image 8

2. Go to Theme Options > Partner Options 

General Options
  • Allow the user who joins the partner program on the User Registration Options
  • Change the Header Background of the partner page
  • Partner could be automatically approved by admin on the Automatic Approval
  • For the Allowed Custom Sort Link for Partner Page, converted a long URL to a short URL in a partner page
  • The Show Email Contact Info displayed the email of an author who post their service on the single service page
  • Give the partner authority to register service on the Enable Partner Feature
Partner Options Image 1
  • The Partner’s Post must be approved by Admin, activate this option if the admin needs to approve the post of the partner
  • Select the Partner Menubar to be displayed on the partner dashboard
  • Enter the Commission for admin after each item is booked.

The percentage of commission is applied to partners who decide not to renew or upgrade their membership package on a website. When partner decide to renew or upgrade their membership package, the commission will be applied on Theme Settings > Membership Packages

Partner Options Image 7
  • Choose the Partner can set be a feature as an item on the partner page
  • Choose the Partner can set the external link for service on the service page
  • Show the Avatar User in list service on the partner page
  • Show the Contact Info of the Partner on the partner page
Partner Options Image 2
  • Choose the Member Package Layout to display on the membership page
  • Member Package Page: Select the page to show the member page for partners to register. Function: Member Package
  • Member Checkout Page: Select the page to show the partner who enters their information and billing. Function: Member Package Checkout Page
  • Member Checkout Success Page: Select the page to show the partner successfully register the membership. Function: Member Checkout Success Page
Partner Options Image 3

Layout Dashboard

  • Show the sections for the partner dashboard on the Configuration Partner Profile Info
  • Show total Earnings displayed the total amount of money the partner earned on your site for the period of time
  • Show each service earning, displayed the total amount of money the partner earned by each service
  • Show chart info, which is the visual graph regarding the earnings
  • Show Booking History, displayed the history of booking on the partner dashboard
Partner Options Image 4

Withdrawal Options

  • Enable the Allow request Withdrawal option, in which is a partner is allowed to withdraw money
  • Enter the Minimum Value Request when Withdraw on the partner dashboard
  • Enter the date of withdrawal monthly on the Date of Successful Payment in the Current Month.
Partner Options Image 5

2.4. Updating The Partner Request

2.4.1. Approving New Partner User

  • Go to Partner Statistic > List Partner, and approved the new partner user who have just created
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2.4.2. Approving Membership Package

  • Go to Partner Statistic > List Partner, and click Complete when they finish their payment to buy membership package
Membership Package Image 19

2.4.3. Approving Verification Request

  • Go to  Partner Statistic > List Partner > View Detail and click to complete it
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2.4.4. Approving Withdrawal Request

  • Go to  Partner Statistic > Partner Withdrawal > Edit and click to complete it. This means that you have successfully transferred the money to your partner and the payment process between the admin and partner is now complete. 

Note: Our system is not supported for the payment between admin and partner

2.5. Approving Partner's Item

This case is applied when you have set ON for Theme Options > Partner Options > Partner’s post must be approved by admin. Specifically, when a partner posts a service, it will be in Draft status and needs to be approved manually by the administrator

System will notify admin in 2 ways:

  • A notification bar will appear on the WPAdmin dashboard, such as “Have 3 new Tours need check for approved. Click Here!”
  • An email will be sent to Administrator. Email content is set in Theme Options > Email Templates > Email Approved > Email template to admin about item needs to be approved

Note: Template for “Email template to admin about item needs to be approved” can use this content

To approve a partner’s post, the Admin can either click the link on the notification bar in WPAdmin (Click Here!) or navigate to WPAdmin > Service (e.g., Tour) to check the Draft post. Then, change the post status from Draft to Publish.

After approval, the partner will receive an email titled “Service Published…”. The content of this email to the partner is defined in the code and not based on an email template

3. Partner

3.1. Creating New Partner User

After creating a new package and some function pages, you need to create a new partner account to check how the partner function work.

  • Create a new Partner User, not a Normal User
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  • Now the new partner user is approved and clicks to Partner Dashboard
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3.2. Buying New Membership Package

  • On the Partner Dashboard, click to Register or Upgrade to choose Membership Package
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  • Choose your membership package that you want
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  • Next, the Partner User needs to finish their payment
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  • After that they are successful to buy membership package
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  • On the Partner Dashboard, the partner will create your own service from this dashboard
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3.3. Verifying and Updating Partner Information

After creating a new package and some function pages, you need to create a new partner account to check how the partner function work.

  • Click on Verification, fill in all the following form and “Submit”
Membership Package Image 21
  • And here is the verification of partner information
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  • Now the customer can click on the partner avatar to view this page or using custom link:[partner name]


If you don’t see anything on the partner page, please go to Theme Options > Page Options > Page for All Author Information(Recommend for Solo Agency) and keep this field blank

Service FAQ Image 14
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3.4. Creating new service from Partner Dashboard

To add a new service from the Partner Dashboard, simply select the service you want to upload and provide the necessary information for the service.

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We have a video instruction below to show you how to create new service step-by-step

3.5. Withdrawing Partner Earning

  • To withdraw the partner’s earnings, they must have their balance on Partner Dashboard

For example, they made $633 this month but their balance is $569.70 after a 10% commission fee is deducted. This is calculated by subtracting the commission fee from the total earnings: 633 – (633 x 10% commission) = $569.70

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Go to Withdrawal and choose the payment method to get the payout. By default, we have three different payment methods for you to choose from which are (1) Bank Transfer (2) Paypal (3) Stripe. 

The minimum amount of money the partner withdraw is $500, for example.

  • Bank Transfer: Provide your bank name and bank account for the admin so the payment can be processed
  • Paypal: Provide your Paypal email and confirm Paypal email
  • Stripe: Provide your Stripe secret key
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Once admin approves your withdrawal request and you got the money from admin, you will see the availability of your money on the withdrawal history.

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