Although I have just added a new hotel but it didn’t appear on my website. How to fix that?

If you have added a new hotel and it’s not appearing on your website, there are a few steps you can take to fix the issue

  • First, make sure that you have created a room and assigned it to the new hotel. Go to Room > All rooms and find any room that you want to assign it on General tab
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  • Then, navigate to the Hotel Information section of hotel you assigned the room on Hotel > All Hotels and configure the hotel’s rate, availability, and the minimum number of days a customer can book in the “Book Before Number A Day” field.
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  • After you have completed these steps, you need to upgrade the database on the Sync Availability and Upgrade Data on the Theme Settings to complete the process. This will ensure that the new hotel and its information are synchronized with your website and visible to your customers.
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  • If the issue will have remained, you may want to check your website’s caching settings and clear your website’s cache to ensure that the changes are reflected on your website. Additionally, you may want to check if any updates are available for your theme or plugins and install them to ensure that your website is running on the latest version.
