How to send emails through WordPress?

1. Import Traveler Email Templates

You can download our predesign email template and import XML file into WordPress, follow these step to do it properly. Click to download and unzip it, then import XML files to your website

  • On the Admin Dashboard, go to the Tools > Import
  • Look for a WordPress that allows you to import a file from a WordPress export file, click Install Now and Run Import
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  • On the Import WordPress section, choose the file to import and update it
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  • For the Import author or assign posts to an existing user: Choose the admin account
  • Tick the Download and import file attachments to Submit it
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2. Edit Traveler Email Templates

  • On the Admin Dashboard, go to the Template Email > All Template Email
  • Click to edit any email template you want to.
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  • You can change the text and desgin of email template with our pre-design shortcode. 

Email Template Shortcode →

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3. Configure Traveler Email Settings

Email Options

Go to Theme Settings > Email Options

  • Enter the From Name on the sender information of email
  • Enter the From Address on the sender information of email
  • Select the Logo of email
  • For the Email to Customer after Booking, the customer would receive the announcement of booking in the email
  • Email Confirm to Customer after Booking, the customer also got an email confirmation after booking
  • Email to administrator after booking, the admin receives the booking information in the email
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  • Enter the Input Administrator Email, which the booking information will be sent to this email
  • Email after booking for partner/ owner item, sending an email to partner after booking
  • Email to partner when item approved by administrator, the partner got an email which is approved by admin
  • Email to Adminstrator when have an cancel booking, the admin receives information of cancel booking in email
  • Email to Partner when have an cancel booking, sending an email to partner when they have a cancel reservation
  • Email to User when booking is cancelled, sending an email to user when they cancel a reservation
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Email Templates

Go to Theme Settings > Email Templates

1. Email for Admin

  • Email template send to administrator booking. Select the email template in which the admin receives the new message about the booking information
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2. Email for Partners

  • Email template send to partner/owner booking. Select the email template in which the partner receives the new message about the booking information
  • Email template send to partner when a package is an expired date. Select the email template in which the partner receives the new message about the expired date of member package
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3. Email for Customers

  • Email template for booking info send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new message about the booking information
  • Email template for notification of departure date send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new notification of departure date before arriving
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4. Email Confirm

  • Email template for confirm send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new message about the confirmation of booking
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5. Email Approved

  • Email Subject. Select the email template in which the admin receives the new email subject line
  • Email template for approve send to administrator. Select the email template in which the admin receives the approval notification.
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6. Email Cancel Booking

  • Email template for cancel booking send to administrator. Select the email template in which the admin receives the cancel booking information
  • Email template for cancel booking send to partner. Select the email template in which the partner receives the cancel booking information
  • Email template for successful canceled send to partner. Select the email template in which the partner receives the notification of cancel booking successfully
  • Email template for successful canceled send to customer .Select the email template in which the customer receives the notification of cancel booking successfully
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4. Set up Email Service/SMTP

Note: Email is sent from your server or your website. If your server has email service already, kindly ignore this step. Vice versa, just set up your own SMTP service. We recommend WP Mail SMTP plugin

1. Install WP Mail SMTP

  • On the Admin Panel, go to Plugin > Add News to find the WP Mail SMTP plugin
  • Click Install and Activate it
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2. Configure the WP Mail SMTP

If you use Gmail to send WordPress emails, they are more likely to be sent and won’t end up in the spam folder.  We’ll show you how to connect your Gmail email address to the WP Mail SMTP plugin. This method takes a little longer to set up, but the extra security is worth it because you don’t have to share your Google account password or make an app password in your Google account.

You can use your free Gmail account to send emails through WordPress. But to make sure your email gets where it needs to go, we recommend paying for G Suite. This makes it look like your emails are coming from your own domain name, which gives them more credibility.

  • Go to WP Mail SMTP > Settings to enter your email name in the field
  • Typing your email address is sent from. For example, if you use the Gmail email provider, enter your email address in the From Email field
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3. Choose the email provider to connect with

  • Choose your email provider from the list of mailers. Click the Google/Gmail options
  • You have to connect to Google API to get the Client ID and Client Secret before completing this step. Now we move to the next step to finish it.
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4. Connect to Google API

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  • Create a New Project in Google Cloud
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  • Enter the Project Name to create a new project
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  • Go to the API & Services > OAuth consent screen to register it
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  • Choose the User Type to configure it. Select the External type
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  • Edit app information in App Name and User Support Email fields
  • On the App Name field, enter the Mail SMTP, for example. And the User Support Email, choose your email to send from
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  • Enter the Developer Contact Information field, you could enter the same email which is sent to the customer
  • Click Save and Continue to finish the OAuth Consent Screen step
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  • Continue to save this configuration to the Scopes and Test Users steps and back to the Dashboard
  • Next, you need to Publish App of new project
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5. Create new credentials

  • On the Credentials on the left sidebar, go to the Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID
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  • Create a new OAuth Client ID, choose the Application Type to Web Application
  • Enter the Name of your OAuth Client
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  • Finally, you will see a new OAuth Client is created, let’s copy Your Client ID and Your Client Secret to the WP SMTP Settings
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  • Paste them into the Client ID and Client Secret on the WordPress, and click to Save Settings
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  • After completing it, you need to confirm authorization to your Google account, click to authorize it
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  • Allow the WP SMTP Plugin to access your Google Account
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  • Congratulation, you already start sending emails through Gmail
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6. Enable Gmail API

  • On the Google Cloud, go to the API & Service on the left sidebar, choose Library to search Gmail API, and enable it
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  • You can view and manage the mailbox data by this API
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7. Test Email

  • You can send an email test to your mailbox, enter your email address to check it
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  • Your test email is sent successfully
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