Best Practices for Personalization Emails for Travel Agency Websites

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The travel industry has faced unprecedented challenges over the last few years, with the pandemic causing significant disruptions to how people travel. As we move into 2023, the travel industry is seeing a resurgence in bookings. And if you want to capitalize on this trend, it’s more important than ever for travel agencies to craft engaging, personalized emails that go beyond simply selling tickets.

By inspiring travelers with alluring footage, and captivating travel stories, these emails can help businesses build airtight customer relationships and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

So fasten your seatbelts and prepare to take off as we explore the top strategies for crafting engaging, and get ready to soar with the power of personalization emails for travel agency websites.

Understanding Your Audience

Collecting data and customer preferences

As you work on creating an email form, think about the data you can gather and how it might help you segment + create more personalized emails for your subscribers later on.

For instance, if your form only has one box for subscribers’ names, it might be challenging to personalize your emails. Some people might enter their first name, while others might enter their business name or leave the field blank. This can lead to errors and make your emails seem impersonal, like “Hi oscar123@gmail”. Trust us. Nobody wants to get an email that starts with something informally like that.

To avoid this, consider how you wish to collect personal and business names. This will help you choose the best way to personalize your emails for each segment.

Here are some other pieces of valuable information that you might want to collect from your subscribers:

1. Location
2. Yes or no survey answers
3. Email frequency preferences
4. Demographics like age, job title, or location
5. Psychographics like personality types, income level, or goals

Imagine you have a customer named Lisa Johnson who’s shown interest in Florida vacations by clicking on email links about them. To give Lisa and others like her more of what they’re looking for, you could create a group just for Florida enthusiasts and send them personalized emails about flights, accommodations, and fun things to do in the Sunshine State. That’s precisely what Flight Centre did with this email:

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Personalizing email content

The key to fantastic emails is delivering the perfect info at just the right moment. That means creating a warm welcome for new subscribers and keeping them interested until they become big fans of your brand.

To achieve this, you can start by understanding your target audience and map out the journey you want them to take with your brand. Then, use email personalization to send automated messages that enhance their experience with your business.

Here are some tips to help you create targeted workflows and sequences that meet their needs:

  1. Begin with a warm welcome sequence, such as a personalized email from a trusted team member or a graphic about why your latest contact signed up.
  2. Utilize email personalization to create workflows that trigger based on user behavior.
  3. Offer additional travel products and services based on past purchases, focusing on customers who have made more than one purchase to improve the accuracy of product recommendations.
  4. Tailor personal recommendations based on the customer’s needs and preferences rather than just pushing products.
  5. Consider creating additional sequences and workflows, such as new product announcements, outreach when a contact goes inactive, campaigns based on subscriber activity, and status alerts for changes in product availability or other updates.
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Creating Personalization Emails

Tips for creating effective personalized emails

Here are some tips on creating travel personalized email campaigns that drive results:

  1. Know your audience: The first thing is always the most important – Understand the preferences, needs, and pain points of your recipients, and then segment your email list accordingly.
  2. Use a catchy subject line: Next, personalize the subject line with the recipient’s name or a reference to their interests to grab their attention.
  3. Address the recipient by name: You can start your email with a warm greeting, addressing the recipient by their first name.
  4. Tailor the content: Customize the email content based on the recipient’s interests, preferences, and previous interactions with your brand.
  5. Keep it concise and relevant: Focus on delivering value and addressing the recipient’s needs. Avoid lengthy emails and stick to the point.
  6. Add a personal touch: Share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes that relate to the topic of your email, making it more engaging and relatable.
  7. Use a conversational tone: Write in a friendly, informal tone that makes the email feel like a one-on-one conversation.
  8. Include a clear call-to-action: Guide your recipients towards the next step, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for an event
  9. Respect privacy: Last but not least, ensure that you comply with data protection regulations and that recipients can unsubscribe from your emails.

Using email templates

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According to Dale Carnegie, who wrote the famous book “How to Win Friends & Influence People”, a person’s name is the most meaningful and pleasant sound they can hear in any language.

Think about how you feel when you hear someone say your name in a crowded place – it’s a special feeling, right? Well, a study actually supports this! When we hear our name, our brains light up with activity, making us more alert and focused on what’s being said to us.

P/S: Take your email marketing to new heights with TravelerWP, a powerful WordPress travel theme by Shine Commerce. With its built-in email templates, you can create engaging and visually stunning emails that resonate with your audience. Whether you’re sending promotional offers, newsletters, or booking confirmations, TravelerWP’s email templates make the process effortless and efficient.

Customize the templates to match your branding, and deliver impactful messages to your subscribers. Elevate your email marketing game with TravelerWP and unlock the potential of effective communication.

Email Template 1: A confirmation booking email

Subject line: Get ready for a fantastic stay at [HOTEL NAME] on [CHECK-IN DATE]! 🔔🔔🔔
Dear [NAME],
We can’t wait to welcome you to [CITY NAME] and [HOTEL NAME] for your upcoming stay! We’re committed to making your experience exceptional and want to ensure everything is perfect for your arrival.
To double-check your reservation details and make any necessary adjustments, simply click on the button below. From there, you can personalize your stay and let us know of any special requests you may have 😊.
CTA button: [Click here to get started!]
Here are your reservation details:
Reservation No – XXXXX
Check-in – Sun 12 Dec 2023
Check-out – Fri 17 May 2023
Location – [ADDRESS + Hyperlink to Maps]
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always here to help!
Phone number – +12345678
Email[email protected]
We’re looking forward to providing you with the exceptional amenities and personalized service that you deserve. Safe travels, and see you soon 🥰!
Warm regards,

Email template 2: Promotional for a Free Travel Package

Subject Line: Hey [Name], Don’t Miss Out on Our Incredible Free Travel Package! ⏰
Hey there, [Recipient’s Name]!
Who doesn’t love the idea of an all-expense-paid trip to a stunning destination? We know we do!
Picture yourself enjoying the beautiful beaches and charming medieval towns of [Location] or exploring world-famous galleries and treasure-filled churches in [Location]. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? 😊

We’re excited to let you know that we’re giving away one of these fantastic vacations to one lucky customer! All you need to do is complete the survey we’ve included and return it to us by March 25th. Once we receive your completed survey, we’ll add your name to our electronic database, and on [Date], we’ll draw the lucky winner!

The prize is a free vacation package including airfare, accommodations, and even 🏆 $10,000 in spending! How incredible is that? 👀

Completing the survey will take only 5 minutes 🧐, but it could result in a three-day getaway to one of these fantastic destinations!

So, what are you waiting for? Fill out the survey now and seize the opportunity to win an amazing vacation!
Good luck!
[Agency Name]

Best Practices

Did you know that email marketing can be a great way to get more bang for your buck? With the potential to deliver a $36 return on investment for every dollar you spend, it’s definitely worth considering!

Here are some of the best practices for travel agencies to create impressive personalized emails:

Build trust with every email: Always focus on your subscribers and the value you’re providing them. Avoid spamming them with constant promotions and sales pressure.

Personalize subject lines: Make your subscribers feel special by using data to craft unique ones. Write as if you’re emailing a friend, making it feel more natural and authentic.
Send emails from a real person: Instead of just sending from your brand, use a real name and face in the “from” field to make emails feel like personal conversations.

Segment your email list: Create unique email campaigns for different segments of your list based on their needs and preferences. You can use data insights to inform your messaging, but avoid using sensitive personal information directly.

Use images for personalization: Images and GIFs can make emails more engaging and help convey your brand story. Personalized images can capture subscribers’ attention and make your message more memorable.

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Offer limited-time special deals: Creating a sense of urgency, such as offering a limited-time discount, can encourage subscribers to take action.

Create a sense of urgency: The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful motivator, and there are a few tactics you can use to tap into it. One approach is to add countdown timers triggered when a recipient opens the email. Besides, you can also incorporate time-sensitive words and phrases into your emails, such as “quick,” “act fast,” “hurry,” and “ending soon.”

Finally, use words and phrases like “only 5 rooms” or “while packages last” to create a sense of scarcity and encourage the recipient to act quickly.

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Schedule emails for the right time: Consider your subscribers’ habits and locations to determine the best time to send your emails. Segmenting contacts by location can help ensure your messages arrive at the most convenient time for each subscriber.

Experiment with A/B testing: Test different email variables to find what works best for your audience. Remember to test only one variable at a time for the most accurate insights.

Real-World Examples

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HotelSpecials had to adjust its email newsletter strategy due to the pandemic shutdown, as customers could not book vacations, and there was no available data for recommendations. To adapt, the company integrated customers’ voucher balances and profile data. They implemented 4 strategies to increase situational relevance and reduce email frequency:

1. Shared informational newsletters with strategies for creating a holiday vibe at home and staying safe during Covid-19.

2.Sent voucher balance emails using Selligent templates, inspiring travellers with recommendations for future travels.

3.Provided updates on local Covid-19 laws and regulations, personalized via Selligent based on customers’ location and desired travel destinations.

4.Sent customers and new leads the latest pandemic news with helpful content.

Result of HotelSpeicals email campaigns:

Great news! Their email campaign was a huge success in reaching out to our customers during the lockdown.
During the hard lockdown, the informational newsletters experienced only a slight decrease of 0.3% in open rates, which was a remarkable achievement. And between April and May 2021, their available rates increased by 2-4%, which was fantastic news.

Hotelspeacial found that personalized emails that displayed voucher balances and travel inspiration achieved an incredible 88% open rate and significantly increased customer satisfaction.
Additionally, the Covid-19 news emails generated a 3.4% increase in new leads during restrictions and a massive 9.3% increase in September when borders opened again.


In light of everything we’ve discussed, personalized emails are vital to building solid relationships with your customers as a travel agency in 2023. By understanding their preferences and interests, you can tailor your email campaigns to speak directly to their needs and capture their attention. Remember to keep your language clear and to the point, use visually appealing graphics, and include personalized messages to make your emails stand out.

When you follow these tips, you can create email content that resonates with your customers and keeps them coming back to your agency for their travel needs.

And if you’d like to learn more or need assistance crafting personalized emails for your travel agency websites, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for reading!

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