I want to use WooCommerce as a payment method but they are not working. How to fix that?

WooCommerce Checkout

WooCommerce checkout is the alternative checkout method, which has fewer functions but is able to integrate a payment gateway from the WooCommerce system. With some unique payment gateway, customers will use WooCommerce Checkout only.

The limitation of WooCommerce Checkout

  1. Use WooCommerce only for the checkout function. Other WooCommerce functions are not supported
  2. WooCommerce Checkout uses the WooCommerce email template (not the Traveler email template). Therefore, it does not provide these partner-related emails
  3. Cannot cancel WooCommerce order from customer-side
  4. Tax and booking fees are not supported
  5. Cannot set a specific payment gateway for the specific item

To turn on the WooCommerce checkout function, navigate to Theme Options > Booking Options > WooCommerce Options to turn it on then setup these required page

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Creating Cart Page

  1. Create a new cart page by going to the Pages> Add News
  2. Add the title of the new cart page, “Cart”, for example
  3. Insert the shortcode to the page [woocommerce_cart] like the image below
  4. Set the Page Template on the Page Attributes to Default Template and Publish it

Creating Checkout Page

  1. Create a new checkout page by going to the Pages> Add News
  2. Add the title of the new checkout page, “Checkout Woo”, for example
  3. Insert the shortcode to the page [woocommerce_checkout] like the image below
  4. .Set the Page Template on the Page Attributes to Default Template and Publish it
Checkout Image 29

Creating My Account Page

  1. Create a new my acount page by going to the Pages> Add News
  2. Add the title of the new my account page, “My Account”, for example
  3. Insert the shortcode to the page [woocommerce_my_account] like the image below 
  4. Set the Page Template on the Page Attributes to Default Template and Publish it

Setting up Booking Page

  1. Go to the WooCommerce>Settings>Advanced to set up the page for the checkout process
  2. Scroll down to the Page Setup, find the Cart Page, Checkout Page and My Account Page to select the page to display.
  3. For the Cart Page, choose the ” Cart “
  4. For the Checkout Page, choose the ” Checkout Woo “
  5. For the My Account Page, choose the” My Account ” and click Save Changes to finish it
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Here is the video to show you how to set up WooCommerce

How to add Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Checkout

  • Go to the WooCommerce> Settings> Payments to enable the payment method you want. There are 3 different payment methods for you to choose from, which are Direct Bank Transfer, Check Payments, and Cash on Delivery
  • And Click Manage to edit the basic information of each payment method
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  • Click Discover Other Payment Providers to choose your payment gateways
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  • You can choose other payment providers for your site and download it
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  • Go to Plugin > Add News > Upload Plugin to add the file you’ve just downloaded
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  • On Payments, you can see the installed payment method right there
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