TRAVELER CUSTOM JOBS: Website design, setup and customization services as required
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Service FAQ
The price of hotel always shows the average price on my website. Can it be changed?
I used an email template and put in a short-code email but it did not work.
How can I edit the website’s layout in the Modern Layout Version?
How to upgrade data properly?
Install WooCommerce Got Critical Error
There is no service information shown on the search result page. How to solve that?
What is submitting a form? How can I use the Bank Transfer function?
Why I Cannot Save Theme Setting?
Why does the room not display on hotel?
How To Disable WordPress Bar?
After installing the Elementor Demo, the front end of the website looks really messed up
I installed WPBakery Page Builder but it was not showing to edit the page.
How to change currency symbol?
Custom search form for Tour Agency demo only
The price is displayed incorrectly after creating a new tour/activity.
404 Error After Accessing Hotel/Tour/Activity Page. How To Fix That
I want to customize the CSS of the Traveler theme on the Child-theme, how to include CSS in Child-theme?
How to include language in Child-theme?
Why guest can still book even if the allow guest booking turned off?
How to add a new currency
Incompatible Plugins
Elementor Caching Issue
How to set up a deposit payment
How to set up a External Booking Page
I want to adjust the age restriction on tour/activity service. How can I do that?
The hotel price is display incorrectly on my website.
The price of hotel always shows the average price on my website. Can it be changed?
I set up the average hotel pricing manually but it does not display as intended on the hotel page. How to fix that?
I want to categorize the types of item services on my homepage, for instance, a featured tour instead of the others.
I want to add custom code CSS to my website. How can I do that?
I want to deregister the purchase code. How can I do that?
I want to add the icon to service attributes
I select the language on tour or activity service but the language of the website doesn’t change anything.
The review doesn’t show up. How to fix that?
I want to create a review criteria similar to a website demo. Can I do that?
Although I have just added a new hotel but it didn’t appear on my website. How to fix that?
I want to change the banner on the partner page. How to do it?
I uploaded the hotel logo but it didn’t display on my website. How to fix that?
Logo is too big for mobile. How to fix that?
I want to use WooCommerce as a payment method but they are not working. How to fix that?
I decide to use the WooCommerce checkout, but the form data is displayed twice on checkout page.
When I set up WooCommerce as a payment method, the user is redirected to the homepage after checking out.
I can not find the payment setting of Woocommerce on Theme Settings. Where to find it?
I was going to make a reservation on my website but the Dashboard’s Booking History section didn’t contain my purchase
I reserved a car transfer, however, the automobile’s information was not shown. May I see it?
Connection lost when posting
The price of hotel always shows the average price on my website. Can it be changed?
To change it, go to the
Theme Options>Hotel Options> Price Show on Listing
to change it
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