How to increase the PHP Time Limit?

PHP Time Limit s a measure of how long your website will spend on a single operation before it times out to avoid server lockups. When you are importing a file into your website, it may take longer than the default PHP Time Limit to complete, causing the importing process to time out.

To prevent this, you need to increase the PHP Time Limit to at least 300 seconds

Method 1: Ask your hosting company to increase it

The easiest way is to reach out to your hosting company and ask them to increase the max_execution_time to 300.

Method 2: Increase the Max Execution Time via php.ini

Connect to your server via FTP and find or create the php.ini file. The following line must be added to it:

					max_execution_time = 300;

Method 3: Increase the Max Execution Time via .htaccess

Connect to your server via FTP and find the .htaccess file and add the following line:

					php_value max_execution_time 300
