How to increase the Server Memory Limit?

In the case of WordPress, the default memory limit is usually 32MB. However, there are some processes that themes and plugins go through, such as importing demo content, that may require more memory than the default allocation. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the memory limit to avoid common site errors that may occur due to insufficient memory.

Method 1: Ask your hosting company to increase the memory limit

The easiest way is to reach out to your hosting company and ask theme to increase the PHP memory allocated to your WordPress site to 256M.

Method 2: Update the values manually in the wp-config.php file

Connect to your server via FTP Find and edit the wp-config.php file in WordPress and add the following line:

					define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Traveler Requirement System

  • Max_execution_time 600
  • Max_input_vars 10000
  • Memory_limit 256M
  • Post_max_size 100M
  • Upload_max_filesize 100M
  • cURL: 7.4 or higher
  • Zip PHP Module Enabled
  • allow_url_fopen Enabled
  • Max_allowed_packet = 128M (for database) and 10M (for PHP)
