How to add new activity?

Table of Contents

How to create a new activity?

On the Admin Dashboard, go to Activity > Add New


  • Select the location of the activity in Location
  • Enter the place of the activity in the Real Activity Address
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  • Set Location on map to track down on Google Map

Latitude: Enter the latitude of this activity

Longitude: Enter the latitude of this activity

Zoom Level: Enter the level of zoom

Map Style: Keep it blank

  • Add more Properties nearby the activity
  • Enable the Street View Mode
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  • Choose to Set activity as a feature on your website
  1. On – to set this activity as a feature
  2. Off- not to set this activity as a feature
  3. By default, set this activity as a feature to Off
  • Choose the Booking Option to Instant Booking by default
  1. Instant Booking: Allow the customers book the activity immediately with the automatic booking system. They have to provide the necessary information and payment detail. The reservation will be confirmed soon.
  2. Enquire Booking: Allow the customers submit the request for the activity availability and price on the Enquiry Form
  3. Instant & Enquire Booking: Allow the customer book the activity immediately or submit their request on the Enquire Form.
  • Set a tour single layout displayed on Activity
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  • Upload more images of a activity on Gallery
  • Add the Youtube video of this activity to the Activity Video
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Contact information

  • Choose the Contact Info that will be shown on the activity
  • Enter the Email Address to make a contact with the activity
  • Enter the Website for this activity
  • Enter the Phone Number to call
  • Enter the Fax number
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Info Settings

  • Choose the Activity Type to Specific Date or Daily Activity options
  • Set the Duration of activity, the total time of activity on a day
  • Set the Booking Period before arriving at the activity.
  • Set the Activity Time to start the activity
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  • Enter the Min number of people for the activity
  • Enter the Max number of people for the activity
  • Enter the facilities of the venue tour where a public event or meeting happens on Venue Facilities
  • Write something about the activity which is included in the Activity Included or is excluded in the Activity Excluded
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  • Show up the best part of the activity on Activity Highlight
  • Select the Activity Program Style to the option of the image with text by default
  • Create the Activity Program which helps the customer to know where they are going in the activity tour.
  • Build the Activity FAQ for customers, the list of answers to a typical question that customers might ask.
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Price Settings

  • Enter the Adult Price for this activity
  • Set up a discount by number of adults booking at Fields list discount by adult number booking
  • Enter the Child Price for this activity
  • Set up a discount by number of children booking at Fields list discount by children number booking
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  • Select the type of discount by number of adults to percentage or fixed value on Type of discount by people
  • Set the Type Calculator of Discount by people to person or group of person which are total people joining the activity
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  • Enter the Infant Price Price for this activity
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  • Choose the Disable Adult Booking means hiding the number of adults in the booking form
  1. On – Not hiding the number of adult booking
  2. Off- Hide the number of adult booking
  • Choose the Disable Children Booking that means hiding the number of children in the booking for
  1. On – Not hiding the number of children booking
  2. Off- Hide the number of children booking
  • Choose the Disable Infant Booking that means hiding the number of infants in the booking form
  1. On – Not hiding the number of infant booking
  2. Off- Hide the number of infant booking
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  • Choose the Disable “Adult Name Required
  1. On – Not Allowing the Adult Name Required
  2. Off- Allow the Adult Name Required
  • Choose the Disable “Children Name Required
  1. On – Not allowing the Children Name Required
  2. Off- Allow the Children Name Required
  • Choose the Disable “Infant Name Required
  1. On – Not allowing the Infant Name Required
  2. Off- Allow the Infant Name Required
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  • Add the Extra Price depending on the number of people booking this activity
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  • Enter the Discount value for this activity
  • Select the Type of Discount for this activity
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  • Set up the Sale Schedule for this activity
  1. On – Enable the discounted price of the activity to set up the start time and end time of a day
  2. Off- Disable the discounted price of the activity
  • For Allow External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link for booking the activity
  1. On – Allow inserting the external link for booking a activity
  2. Off- Not Allowing to insert the external link for booking a activity
  • Select the Deposit Options of the activity
  1. Disallow Deposit- Not Allowing to deposit which is money paid
  2. Deposit by percentage – Allow depositing the activity by percentage
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  • Select the date of the calendar to change the adult and children prices on the Calendar
  • When complete, click Update to finish
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Cancel Booking

  • Activate the option for customers to choose from cancellation orders.
  • Enter the Number of days before the Arrival for the cancel reservation of a activity
  • Set the Cancellation Fee, the percentage of money that the customer would be deducted if they cancel a reservation of a activity
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Ical URL

  • To import your calendar online, please enter an ical URL and click the import button
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Payment Methods

  • This option allows customers to transfer money from a bank account or through other payment gateways
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Activity Types

  • Select the Activity Types on the list


  • Choose the Duration of the tour to estimate how much time the activity would end


  • On the Language which is the most used language on activity

Featured Images

  • Set the Featured Image which is displayed on your website

Add a new title and description to the classic editor.

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How to configure the activity settings?

On the Theme Settings> Theme Options> Activity Options

  • For the Activity Search Result Page: Select the page to show the search results page for the activity
  • Enter the number of Items per page on an activity search result page.
  • Enable the Review Options for a user who wants to get a review
  • Show the Information Contact in a sidebar single activity page
  • Create more Review Criteria on the single activity page
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  • Show featured Activities on the top of Search Result on a search result page
  • For Advanced Search options, which allow you to list or display the activity by category on the homepage and on the search bar. Activate this option to select the activity category to display on your website.
  • For the Type Filter Option Attribute, which is the advanced filter option on an activity search result. Choose AND option mean filtering all of the attributes of the activity at once, otherwise OR option allows you to select just one attribute of the activity
  • Select the Map Maker Icon to show activity on Google Map
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  • Enter the Age Restriction for Adult, Age Restriction for Children, Age Restriction for Infant for the activity
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  • Insert the icon on a single activity page by searching it on to find out your favorite icon. Copy the HTML code and paste it to Icon Duration Single Activity, Icon Activity Type Single, Icon Group size Single Activity, Icon Language Single Activity field.
  • Enable the Show Activity Nearby on the map
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How to create a new activity duration?

On the Admin Dashboard, go to Activity> Duration

  • Add the Name of Durations to appear on your website
  • Add the Slug of Durations as a URL link
  • Give more detail about the Durations in the Description (optional)
  • Insert the Icon or Icon New of Durations (optional)
  • When complete, click New Duration to save it
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How to create a new activity language?

On the Admin Dashboard, go to Activity> Language

  • Add the Name of Language to appear on your website
  • Add the Slug of Language as a URL link
  • Give more detail about the Language in the Description (optional)
  • Insert the Icon or Icon New of Language (optional)
  • When complete, click New Language to save it
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How to create a new activity type?

On the Admin Dashboard, go to Activity> Activity Type

  • Add the Name of Activity Types to appear on your website
  • Add the Slug of Activity Types as a URL link
  • Give more detail about the Activity Types in the Description (optional)
  • Insert the Icon or Icon New of Activity Types (optional)
  • When complete, click New Activity Types to save it
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How To Change The Layout And Filter On Activity Search Result Page?

On the Admin Dashboard, go to the PageAll Pages> Search the Activity Search Sidebar or Activity Search Topbar pages to edit it.

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Scroll page down to change its layout on General tab.

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You also edit the filter options on this page

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