Theme Options

Top Articles

General Options

This article helps you learn how to configure your website on general options.

Styling Options

This article helps you learn how to change and style your website.

Page Options

This article helps you learn how to set up page to be displayed to your website.

Blog Options

This article helps you learn how to set up your blog style for your website.

Booking Options

This article helps you learn how to set up booking system for your website.

Location Options

This article helps you learn how to set up a location page for your website.

Hotel Options

This article helps you learn how to configure hotel options for your website.

Rental Options

This article helps you learn how to set up property rental options to your website.

Car Options

This article helps you learn how to set up a car rental to your website.

Tour Options

This article helps you learns how to set up a tour option to your website.

Activity Options

This article helps you learn how to set up a activity service to your website.

Transfer Options

This article helps you learn how to set up a transfer car option to your webite.

Partner Options

ThIs article helps you learn how to set up a partner option to your website.

Email Partner

This article helps you learn how to set up email for partner to your website.

Email Options

This article helps you learn how to set up email options to your website.

Email Templates

This article helps you learn how to set up email templates to your website.

Social Options

This article helps you learn how to set up social options to your website.

Advanced Options

This article helps you learn how to set up advanced option to your website.

Affiliate Configure

This article helps you learn how to set up affiliate setting to your website.

Other Options

This article helps you learn how to set up other options to your website.

Payment Options

This article helps you learn how to set up payment options to your website.


This article helps you learn how to install our extensions and plugins to your website.

Member Packages

This article helps you learn how to set up member package to your website.

Create Google reCAPTCHA Key

You will be able to generate Google reCAPTCHA API keys for your website to add to your Booking Options settings.
