To edit a booking form, please following these steps:
To show the value of additional fields (after checkout) in the email, kindly insert the shortcode into the email template: [st_email_booking_custom_field field_name = “”]. To ensure correct symbols, please type double quotation mark instead of copying them.
For example, name of custom field is st_note . So insert this shortcode: [st_email_booking_custom_field field_name = “st_note”] into email template
In the user interface of the ST Form Builder, each row is divided into 12 columns. Once the 12-column limit is reached, the next field will automatically move to a new row.
In ST Form Builder, each field has an Advanced Options > Extra Class section. The extra class “col-6” means the field spans 6 columns in width. If there is no extra class, the field defaults to a width of 12 columns. A single row can either have one field without an extra class (spanning 12 columns) or two fields with the class (col-6) each spanning 6 columns. It means, row = col-6+col-6 or just 12 column
If you place a field without an extra class (spanning 12 columns) in the same row as a field (col-6) with a width of 6 columns, the layout will break, cannot (col-6+12 column). In that case, you can fix it by changing to either two fields with the class “col-6” or two fields without any extra class.If you find it too complicated to fix the UI in the ST Form Builder, the simplest solution is to remove all extra classes.
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