How to set up Traveler Bokun?

What is Traveler Bokun?

Bokun is a system for tour operators and travel agents to  manage reservations. Bokun lets tour operators take care of everything about their tours, including creating and managing bookings and itineraries, automating their booking process, and keeping track of which tours are available. You could spend less time on administrative tasks and more time giving customers excellent service.

Traveler Bokun is a special add-on of Traveler that integrates with Bokun.  It helps you create tours and activities on Bokun platform and then automatically update it to your website so you can manage your booking in one place and set up your travel product, price and availability in Bokun platform instead of having to do it through WordPress. Let’s try now. Click here

1. Installation

  • When you have purchased this Add-on, extract this and you will see these files folder
Bokun Image 2
  • Click on “Upload Plugin” in the dashboard and upload file and activate this add-on
Bokun Image 3

2. Setup

2.1. Bokun Search Form

To add a search form for Bokun on your page, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Pages > All Pages in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Select the page where you want to add the search form, such as the Home Page.
  3. Add the ST Search Form element to the page.
  4. Edit the search form settings:
    • Search Form Type: Select Mix Service.
    • Title Tab: Enter a title, such as Bokun.
    • Service: Choose Bokun.

After successful setup, the search form Traveler Bokun will be like this (destination show Locations from WPAdmin > Locations)

Bokun Image 7

2.2. Bokun Search Result Page

Create a new page by navigating to WPAdmin > Pages > Add New, then select the Home Modern page template. Click on WPBakery Page Builder to edit the page and add the following elements: ST Bokun Sidebar Form Search and ST Bokun Search Result.

Bokun Image 5

2.3. Traveler Bokun Setting

Go to Theme Options > Affiliate Configure > Bokun

  • Bokun URL: Enter Bokun URL(domain only) example
  • Access Key & Secret Key: get from Bokun Dashboard > Settings > Connections > API Keys

  • bookingChannelUUID: Enter a booking channel UUID from Bokun Dashboard > Settings > Sale Settings > Booking Channels > choose channel then copy UUID

Bokun guide: How to Create API Keys and How do I create a booking channel?

  • Bokun Search Result Page: Select page which you have create in step 2.1
  • Radius of search: radius (km) from location to experience. The calculation is based on the Latitude and Longitude of the location in WPAdmin > Locations.
  • Auto fill User Data Turn on/off to get user data
  • Currency Name: Select the Currency name you want
  • Currency Symbol: Enter the currency symbol
  • Currency Position: Control the position of the currency symbol
  • Thousand Separator: Specifies what string to use for the thousand separator
  • Decimal Seperator: Specifies what string to use for decimal point
  • Currency decimal: Set the number of the decimal point.
