WPML is a plugin for WordPress that lets websites use more than one language. It has been installed on more than 1 million websites. This plugin can translate all parts of a website, like pages, posts, custom types, taxonomies, menus, and even theme text, into more than 40 languages. This includes pages, posts, custom types, taxonomies, menus, and even theme text. Depending on the user’s choice, translation can be done automatically or manually.
We’re proud that Traveler works well with WPML and doesn’t have any compatibility problems. This makes it easy to translate and localize your travel website: https://wpml.org/theme/traveler/
On the WPML> Settings, if you want to translate the content and title of service in Traveler, select the custom post to translate on Post Type Translation and save it.
Go to the WPML > Language, and select the Store a language cookie to support language filtering for AJAX.
Note: After translating Location, kindly run Traveler > Upgrade Data
Don’t forget to change slug – avoid any special character
Navigate to WPML > Settings > Custom Fields Translation then tick Show “Multilingual Content Setup” meta box on post edit screen. For those fields, set “Copy” as the default option. Set some fields to “Translate” if necessary.
The Attribute(Taxonomy)’s name can be translated through WPAdmin > Traveler > Attributes such as Hotel Theme, Hotel Facilities, Activity Types, Amenities…
Just change language in the WPAdmin Bar then edit attributes Name in other language
Moreover, to translate each term inside Attribute(Taxonomy), such as Air Conditioning, Airport Transport, Fitness Center, Flat Tv… inside to Hotel Facilities
There are two methods to translate your website:
Method 1: Translate Everything
Go to WPML > Settings, and choose to Translate Everything options to translate your entire website that includes posts, pages, taxonomy terms, and WooCommerce Products. WMPL will translate every new page or post when you publish them. It means your content always has up-to-date translation every time.
Method 2: Translate Some
Go to WPML > Settings, choose the Translate Some options to translate the individual posts or pages of your website.
If you have any issue while setting WPML and cannot revert, you need to reset WPML.
The ‘Reset’ action will deactivate the WPML plugin after it deletes the WPML tables (tables with the ‘icl_’ prefix) from the database. The action will NOT delete any content (posts, taxonomy terms etc.). It only affects translation and language information that WPML associates with each content type.
Please note that all translations you have sent to remote translation services will be lost if you reset WPML’s data. They cannot be recovered later. If you are using the Advanced Translation Editor, you will lose the translations that are in progress, as well as the existing translation memory and glossary. You will also lose access to purchases, invoices, and history related to your work with the Advanced Translation Editor.
Navigate to WPAdmin > WPML > Support > Troubleshooting > Reset then tick I am about to reset all translation and language data. After all, click to Reset and deactivate WPML
If you cannot access WPML menu, just add this code into the end of wp-content/themes/traveler/function.php
function wpmlsupp_1706_reset_wpml_capabilities() {
if ( function_exists( 'icl_enable_capabilities' ) ) {
add_action( 'shutdown', 'wpmlsupp_1706_reset_wpml_capabilities' );
Please note that all locations must be translated into every language on your website.
For instance, if your website supports 3 languages and has 40 locations, all 40 locations need to be translated into each of the 3 languages. Once translations are complete, run Traveler > Upgrade Data.
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