Email Templates

Email for Admin

  • Email template send to administrator booking. Select the email template in which the admin receives the new message about the booking information
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Email for Partners

  • Email template send to partner/owner booking. Select the email template in which the partner receives the new message about the booking information
  • Email template send to partner when a package is an expired date. Select the email template in which the partner receives the new message about the expired date of member package
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Email for Customers

  • Email template for booking info send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new message about the booking information
  • Email template for notification of departure date send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new notification of departure date before arriving
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Email Confirm

  • Email template for confirm send to customer. Select the email template in which the customer receives the new message about the confirmation of booking
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Email Approved

  • Email Subject. Select the email template in which the admin receives the new email subject line
  • Email template for approve send to administrator. Select the email template in which the admin receives the approval notification.
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Email Cancel Booking

  • Email template for cancel booking send to administrator. Select the email template in which the admin receives the cancel booking information
  • Email template for cancel booking send to partner. Select the email template in which the partner receives the cancel booking information
  • Email template for successful canceled send to partner. Select the email template in which the partner receives the notification of cancel booking successfully
  • Email template for successful canceled send to customer.Select the email template in which the customer receives the notification of cancel booking successfully
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